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Slot machine wins this week 11012017

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Farewell.ġ772, Antoine Lavoisier reported in a note to the Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences that in the previous week he had discovered that sulphur and phosphorus when burned increased in weight because they absorbed 'air,' while the metallic lead formed when litharge was heated with charcoal weighed less than the original litharge because it had lost 'air.' The exact nature of the airs concerned in the processes he could not yet explain, and he proceeded to study the question extensively. If you will do me these favors, you will find that you are dealing with a man who has your interests at heart, and wishes to do full justice to your excellence. I have instructed Dietrich von Rheden to make a fair copy of this at my expense and send it to me. '.I beg you most emphatically to communicate your discovery to the learned world, and to send me as soon as possible your theories about the Universe, together with the tables and whatever else you have pertaining to the subject. Math Joke for Halloween: Why do mathematicians confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because Oct 31 = Dec 25 (31 in base 8 (Octal) is the same quantity as 25 in Decimal)ĮVENTS 1536 Letter to Copernicus from Cardinal Schoenberg, included by Copernicus in the introduction to On the Revolutions (1543)

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